
This page documents a "startup" permaculture garden with emphasis on perennial plants for personal food supply. The hope is for this page to serve as a model for others to document their garden projects to streamline design/impelmentation/maintenance.

First Draft[]

  1. learn climate/environment (existing structures/trees, aspect, grade, wind, humidity, temperature, rain, soil type/depth/drainage) and map microclimates

    zone 9a hot/humid

    sandhill - type of the native plant community

    rain (in/mo avg): 3 (Oct-May), 6 (Jun-Sep); temp (daily avg degF min/max): 46/70 (Jan), 70/90 (Jul)

    chill hours (hours temp. between 32 degF & 45 degF, between Nov 1 & Feb 15): 310

    consider deflectors on street lights

    locate plants needing lots of water/nutrients away from trees

  2. identify human needs (food and other needs in regard to wind/temp/humidity/light/sound/view/income/sharing), how to minimize, how best to meet with garden

    which foods/amounts to produce/consume/buy/sell/barter/donate (fresh/stored)

    produce these to minimize purchases: corn, beans, squash, melons, lettuce, kale, celery, tomato, citrus, pawpaw, persimmon, fig, apple

  3. identify indigenous (then non-indigenous) plants to supply as many human/garden needs as efficiently as possible

    i.e. best food value (nutrition/flavor/prep-storage ease) & permaculture synergies versus production inputs (time/effort/space/water/fodder)

    see plant characteristics section

    observe plant species/varieties planted by others in the general area

  4. identify garden needs (inputs/synergies), how to minimize, how best to meet by indigenous (then non-indigenous) plants, and by preferred-food (then supplimental) plants

    e.g. preferred-food plants may provide needed nitrogen & green mulch, attract pollinators, deter pests, block wind, provide shade, trellis, mine minerals, etc

    and if not, select other plants to provide what's lacking

  5. identify where, when, and how many to plant of selected varieties to maximize synergies

    mutual support guild: under trees, green mulches protect soil, legumes fix nitrogen, nectary flowers attract/feed pollinators, dynamic accumulators supply minerals

    functional diversity: specific conditions determine best species for green mulches, nitrogen fixers, dynamic accumultors, nectary flowers, windbreaks

    resource partitioning: shallow/deep rooted plants and narrow/broad canopy plants share space, and short-season plants taking turns share space

  6. identify plant/seed sources, acquire, and plant
  7. develop/execute maintenance strategy/schedule & document